Re-Style Your Fur Coat to fit perfectly. Old or young makes no difference!

We can Reestore and perform perfect Alterations to your furs by a Specialist Furrier

Leather and Fur always in harmoney!

We can add leather sleeves or inserts to your fur coat to make it look even more beautiful, peice of a designer art!

Customer Satisfaction is Important to Us

We have served hunderds of happy customers for generations. We have come accross too many of high profile customers like you!

Converting your wrong size fur garment to something you love to wear again

Do you have a fur garment you have not been wearing or able to use? We can utilize it to become your joy and pride investment

We make Fur Hats & Fur Gilets

Contact us today to arrange your visit or book your collection and delivery on our website. We can convery your unwanted fur